Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. Resources are written by an experienced educator with 20 years of Art teaching in secondary schools behind him. He also has a wide range of other specialisms including Design Technology, PSHE, Citizenship, Physical Education and Early Years teaching.
Check out this science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as a jpeg for easy printing and insertion into your own documents. The focus is "Body parts"
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as a jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as a jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
Check out these science word-search for Key Stage 1. STEM vocabulary for younger primary school students. Provided as jpegs for easy printing and insertion into your own documents.
78% saving! Take the pressure off you and your students with a range of fun activities for the end of year. Quizzes, colouring, visuals and more. Enjoy the hols when they arrive!
I have been producing educational resources for just under 3 years. Last year my Art resources were the most downloaded globally and sales are continuing to rise. I have developed a twitter following of over 12,600 (@maelhmatthews) which is helping to promote resources further. This document might help you develop your own brand. Clear, unambiguous advice based on my own experiences.
Themes covered in the resource include;
the use of social media to promote your resources
communicating with buyers
time management
keeping the right side of copyright and other laws
choosing the right topics
developing a brand identity
Choosing the right "look" for your resources.
Managing feedback comments..... and much more.
This document outlines a philosophy which is working for me and it might help you develop your own way forward.
Good luck!
Get ready for A level Art Component 2 (External Assignment) 2018 with this student support document. It provides a clear structure for students to follow as they begin to develop their exam component. Provided as both PDF and Word document so that it can be fully edited to meet your students' specific needs. Whilst this has been written with the AQA A level Art course in mind, it would be equally suitable for the EdExcel course. 18 pages of print friendly information in total.
The resource includes the following information.
• Introduction
• Student information
• Week by week guide
• Homework checklist
• Support request sheet
• The History of Art – Notable Periods, Styles and Artists
• Component 2 Final Outcome Checklist
• Art Analysis Prompt Sheet
• AQA A level grade boundaries from 2017
• Securing Outstanding A level Performance in Art
Four different resources focussing on friends and friendships. Ideal for older KS2 and younger KS3 students. Use these resources when you want to encourage positive friendships. Included are:
A quiz about friendships to encourage students to consider what type of friend they are.
A lesson plan and supporting resources on bullying
A writing frame encouraging students to consider their friendships
An activity encouraging positive relationships and warning against unhealthy friendships.
Challenge your students to consider how positive they are about life, learning and pretty much everything. The questions will provide students with a score with a corresponding statement that outlines their particular mind-set. A nice starter activity for group work based on positive or growth mind-sets. Suitable for KS3 and 4.
PSHE. Challenge your students to consider how positive they are about life, learning and pretty much everything. The questions will provide students with a score with a corresponding statement that outlines their particular mind-set. A nice starter activity for group work based on positive or growth mind-sets. Suitable for KS3 and 4.
Buy all sorts of spooky fun for Halloween. A big quiz in slideshow and printable format, scary pictures to inspire art and creative writing activities, colouring sheets, masks to colour and cut out, mental maths with a scary twist and a word search. We hope you're happy with your purchase. Happy Halloween!
Everything you need for a complete Middle School Art curriculum. 12 units of work covering the following.
Art using found and recycled objects
Color theory
Conceptual art
Drawing styles
Figure drawing and sculpture
Monochrome drawing
Natural forms
Each unit of work provides a lesson by lesson plan, homework suggestions, materials lists, artist references, health and safety and links to thinking skills.
Also included are presentations showing the use of clay, one and two point perspective and drawing faces in proportion.
I can be contacted on twitter @maelhmatthews if you would like any more information about this or any other resource in our shop.
Engage students in Anti Bullying activities with these resources. Schemes of work, discussion starting points and a questionnaire that will really get students thinking about how they are treated and how they treat others. All resources are easy to print. Suitable for KS2 and 3. Ideal for form time or for when time is tight. Also includes 18 motivational posters for use at any time during the year.
Downloaded over 1000 times globally last Christmas. Updated and improved for 2017 to include a visual round. Get your copy and give students a Christmas challenge with this big, challenging Christmas quiz. 40 questions and 10 visual questions that will really challenge students knowledge about all things to do with Christmas. If you do purchase this resource you can choose another resource from our shop free of charge up to the value of £20. Simply visit our shop, look through the 1000 + resources on offer and email me at Click here to go to our shop and have a browse! Our little Christmas present to you!
This is quite a tricky quiz and has been written with Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 in mind. Provided in easy to print list form and also as a visually festive slideshow with a slide per question so that questions can be displayed on the whiteboard. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Start Education!
An Art scheme of work suitable for Key Stage 3 students, providing a lesson by lesson guide, cross curricular links, homework advice and recommendations on materials. The focus of the scheme is the development of masks through design and construction.
A comprehensive Art Department Teacher handbook covering vision, philosophy, health and safety, expectations of students, course descriptions and more. The handbook provides a fully editable resource which can be modified to suit all Art departments.
A poster promoting the values of an Art education. The poster emphasises that the ability to think creatively is of benefit no matter what profession a student wishes to pursue. A useful resource for classroom displays, open evenings and parents evenings.